Monday, 25 January 2016

Winter break adventures - part 2

Just a quick update on my travels so far.  All was smooth from Syracuse to JFK and then onto Salt Lake City - hey - however, when I landed and finally got wifi in JFK I checked my emails and noticed that the flights that I had originally been booked on was not the flights that were noted on my tickets and the planes I was preparing to travel on, however, I just went with what was on my tickets and thankfully I got to Salt Lake City with no problems. Notice I didn’t say I got to Pasco with no problems. As I arrived in SLC I managed to connect  to the wifi, every 18 year olds necessity of course, however it was so slow that Netflix wasn't working and neither was FaceTime, both kept cutting out. Nevertheless, the three hour wait didn’t seem to be too bad with the help of music I already had on my macbook - Shoutout to Jess Glynne, Train and Biebz. 

Everything was going good and I even managed to get a seat upgrade so I got extra leg room and a comfier seat! Bonus! However, when we boarded the plane and were all ready for take off, the captain announces that there is a maintenance issue with the plane and he was unsure how long it would take, however, maintenance were on the way and were going to fix it he assured us. Another 10 minutes later he pops back on. I’m shattered, fed up, my butt hurts and just want to get to my final destination by this point, so I’m sat in my seat hoping that he is going to tell us everything is fixed and we will be off soon! But no. He announces to us that we all need to deboard the plane and it is going to take a minimum of 45 to fix the problem. I text my auntie and explain everything thats happened, bear in mind, my flights were already changed and my auntie and uncle, along with my two cousins had already been to the airport to collect me as there was no notification of my change of flights. So our meeting so far has been pushed back, at this point, 45 minutes. 

We get complementary snacks and drinks back in the airport with the hope to be boarding again pretty soon. 25 minutes after we expected, we were able to board the flight again and I am finally typing this on my way to Pasco, with wifi on the plane, to see my lovely family! Im going to tell the bed I love it tonight! 

What a start to 2016 eh! Hope the rest of the year isn't as stressful as this! 


So here I am now, sat with my uncle and auntie close to the end of my winter break, and boy what a great time I've had. From bringing out my inner interior designer and helping them arranging their new house to making animals out of toilet tubes with my old neighbour from Lockerbie! 

This "adventure" has been unbelievably amazing and has been just what I need to kick start the new year and to tick some ore items off my bucket list when I head back to 'Cuse. 

Thank you to everyone who has been a part of my first winter break as an american student! 

Love you all and I cannot wait to see what the rest of 2016 has to hold. Truth be told, its got a lot to live up to following 2015! 

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